Friday, February 20, 2009

Summer & Spring

Right now my life is two seasons one foot in summer & another in spring in case your wondering what's this stuff she's talking about what do the seasons have to do with life. Well look imma break it down like this when I'm grown & independent I'm in the in the fall season of my life, winter imma be old & wise plus not to mention ready to crook over, spring I'm still a child jumping around and playing games etc... But summer that's when maturity kicks in and responsibility.


Summer side of me contains mostly of love and maturity. People say L.O.V.E is a strong feeling but not for me really they say when your in love at a young age it's not consider real love it's just puppy love but what me and my boyfriend for four years have it's young love we did so much in this relationship so many obstacles for insistence I remember the first kiss we shared I was leaving the corner store and the wind was blowing hard he had just stepped of the bus so when he saw me he had stopped me as soon as I had started walking and started a whole conversation trying to get to know me so at the end of the convo we exchanged numbers after that I headed home but before I reached the corner he grabbed my arm and kissed me on the cheeck I never forgot that day and neither did he. Playing games another step that stopped for me as I crossed over into summer one day while in the car my mom said to me "Star you need to stop playing games and mature a lil more" I never forgot those words she said to me.


The fact that I never take full responsibility makes me still in spring one year I failed the first marking period my mom said what's the reason for you failing and I told her every excuse in the book. And still I wake up every Saturday just to watch cartoons like last night I woke up at like 3 am and started to watch barney & a puppy name Clifford. Me my cousins and nieces still be playing ring around the rosy.


In conclusion i'm some what just like Lizabeth in the story merry gold’s cause when her and the little kids started to jump around singing the song about miss.lottie it's just like us jumping around and singing ring around the rosy.



Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The rebel By Marie Evans

 The Rebel
Would you consider on  wanting to know how rebels minds think yes, no, or maybe."Curiosity seekers coming to see if i am really dead". That's what Marie Evans quoted in her poem the rebel.
Marie Evans wanted to open people eyes into the world of rebels. Rebels have different perspectives on life through many different ways such as dreams  & vision on many variety of situation such as dreaming about funerals as Marie Evans quote "When i die I'm sure i will have a big funeral" thus far meaning to them they would like or want a funeral.
An example of  Evans personification on The Rebel is in this quote "Or am i just trying to make trouble" if you read this poem or from a little  acknowledgement on what people believes about rebels so therefore she just added that quote in her poem to give people a better inside on how people reacts to others that has a different perspective of life. 
People consider rebels as trouble makers who like to break laws just for the hell of it but Marie believed that people just underestimate them.
Some people let their curiosity get the best & worst of them  and to show for this Evans stated that people  came only to see if the person was really dead or just wanted to start a whole commotion upon each other. Seekers believe that who ever the rebel is that they just want attention so therefore the pledged a fake death.
However in conclusion to this poem the rebel what the author Marie Evans wanted to state clearly in my eyes was that you really cant judge a book by its cover or just fact them as the same because of what one person did that really doesn't mean that there all like that  some people are different then other's in many worlds in this poem.

Monday, January 26, 2009

NHD reflection

NHD was a little easier then last year because i knew what i was doing this time which helped me out allot  but i still did not finish all the way.
The thing that made my board incomplete was the fact that i needed more captions to complete the equal limited amount of five hundred word limit i had about twenty words.

next time i will start as soon as i find out the topic instead of a couple days later cause i will need all the time i can get to get everything together so that when i get the things i need to complete the project in process.

and another thing i should work on is doing my process paper as i proceed to getting to the end of the project so at the end of the project i can just type the process paper up and just print 

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May 19 ~ 25

In my service learning group we are selling goods to raise money for school supplies such as erasers, pencils, sharpeners, pens, etc........ We hope to raise up to 80 dollars or more if possible with this fun raising the reason for this is so that tutors and students can have more school supplies to work with.  

service learning may 19- 25

for this whole week my service learning group will be selling certain snacks to help raise supplies that tutors will need & schools such as erasers, pencils, sharpeners, etc......... so there fore to help get these supplies we are selling things and hope 2 at least make 80 dollars at the highest if not then more.

Friday, February 29, 2008

My reflection on National History Day {NHD}

National history day to me was horrible i really didn't like it because of the fact that it was stressful and really didn't have enough time to do most of the stuff i wanted to do with my project because of the fact that they gave us the materials for our projects in the middle when the project was close to the dead line and we had a week to go for it to be done and the advice i would have for this is to start working soon as you hear about it don't start when stuff is near to be due just start soon as possible find out the type of project your going to do the name of your tittle your project name what are you basically going to have main focus on with your project or what you want the judges and other's to be mainly focus on with your project plus it can be a very stressful process to do you might think that it's easy or won't be so hard but honestly it really is hard to do.

Friday, January 11, 2008

NHD National History Day Project

National History Day Project
My national history day project is about interracial relationships the reason I picked this tittle was to show people that people in the world likes to go out with different races but their own race or another race won't let it happened because of prejudice in the world but people who are in interracial relationships see past all of that in order to be with another race plus this issue has a lot to do with conflict & compromise because some people believe it's a good thing and can make a big difference in the world but at times people get scared and say it's a waste of time if it won't work there's no use to it but the ones who believe that it will work continues to be with who the desire and want to be with so there people consider them fools