Friday, November 9, 2007

What i'm doing now in the constitution class

This is me in the constitution class

What we are doing in the constitution class is a project for pros and cons for gun control

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

my pog 2

dear veiwers this is my pog2 please review and leave a comment on what you think about it thank you very much
Starsha Briggs
The constitution
Periods 6,7
My pog II is details containing in with the ideal society about how congress passed a bill that the ichip cannot be tracked.

My thesis is that in different environment people act different and adapt to it or change very drastically to the ideal society and it’s the same in threw real world with the supreme court getting bombed all the time and a lot of people in the country claims to be all terrorist which is like in the real world so I mixed my thesis in with the real world and the ideal society.

First the president being accused of terrorist then starting a war all over which is because of the ichip to have a problem with the citizen’s not thinking that the ichip is necessary in the fourth amendment we should and need to be protected in with the government and congress will help with that by supporting rather the bill should be pass or not and just in the real world we do the same and some bills that we feel that should not be passed they still pass them even though the are not needed.

Second the ideal society is a whole lot similar to the real world cause of the congress, supreme court, house of representatives, the president and vice president plus every where there are rules people should follow if you believe they are wrong you have the right to protest the fact of it plus in the ideal society what the president did was wrong she almost total banned the right’s of the people by making a law saying that if you are to be arrested you can not resist the arrest and that you are not to go against what u are being arrest for even if you are being falsely accused of something you did not comment even if you are being charged for first degree murder that is going against a lot of people amendments.

Last but not least when it came to court cases in the ideal society they did not come to the supreme court like they were suppose to so the supreme kept going on vacations until the people finally decided to come to there support for cases so that’s what the people decided to do.

In conclusion my thesis mixed with the statements of the ideal society of how the human race acts in real life compared to how the human life is in the real society